Marine Steering Oil

This marine steering sil is a paraffinic oil with a high viscosity index for optimum operation of hydraulic systems with a high varying temperature range. This steering oil provides excellent protection against wear and corrosion, has a good filtration ability and fast de-aeration time resulting in less chance of foaming. It is fully compatible with seal materials such as nitrile, silicone and fluoropolymers (Teflon). MPM Marine Steering Oil is suitable for use in marine hydraulic steering systems including launch boats with Vetus hydrolysis.

According to the specifications of

  • DIN 51524 part 3
  • ISO 6743-4 Class HV 22

Packaging units

1 L
per unit 6
per pallet 450
EAN code 8714293000228
20 L
per unit 1
per pallet 30
EAN code 8714293129370 BL059060
Volume 60 L
per unit 1
per pallet 6
EAN code 8714293129844 BL059205
Volume 205 L
per unit 1
per pallet 2
EAN code 8714293130321 BL059999
Volume 1 000 L
per unit 1
per pallet -
EAN code 8714293132585 Volume per unit per pallet EAN code
BL059001 1 L 6 450 8714293000228
BL059020 20 L 1 30 8714293129370
BL059060 60 L 1 6 8714293129844
BL059205 205 L 1 2 8714293130321
BL059999 1 000 L 1 - 8714293132585